Welcome to the WORLD OF REX newsletter, where we dive into tips + tricks for navigating this week’s transits. This week: sh*t is activated.

Election week in the US has landed! Here’s my advice for hanging in there, plus the candidate I think the astrology favors (and why). Listen to this week’s episode, Elected, for more — tune in Sundays to prepare for the week ahead.
The astro-weather is wild through the end of the year — schedule a reading with me to prepare for 2025! Scorpio suns and risings get 25% off until November 22.
The Basics
Ok so: on the heels of some dynamic transits, I’m thinking it’s Kamala. Let me explain.
Kamala's chart looks much stronger than Trump's. Though his is strong in certain ways, it's also veeeery precarious. Plus, we started the week with Venus, ruler of women, in Sagittarius, the US’s rising sign. Coinkidink??
That’s the TL;DR, but for more detail, check out astrologer Lori Lothian’s roundtable prediction. She’s a little unhinged, and I don’t agree with everything they get into, but for the astro-geeks, her take is very well-researched.
Meanwhile, Mercury is in Sagittarius, its detriment. Think of this transit like Amanda Seyfried as Karen in Mean Girls, who forecasts the weather with her boobs. Like, what’s she doing? We don't know. But she's telling the weather in a way no one ever has before. Who knows if she’s right. Not ideal for the planet of communication, though.
This transit scrambles the truth; we won't get answers quickly. An opposition from Jupiter in Gemini tinges this with fake news, body doubles, confusion — like, for example, an electoral college tie. (Freakier still, both Kamala and Trump are Geminis who have Mars in Leo…more on that later.) We likely won’t know what’s actually going on with this election until after Mercury stations direct next month, not to mention the Mars-Pluto arc doesn’t technically end until late April/early May (yikes).
To make matters messier, the US is finishing its first Pluto return, a 248-year cycle signifying massive change. With Mars opposing Pluto inflaming the sky, this spells major domestic issues for the US over the next two years. Sure, you don’t need the stars to tell you that — still, as we covered last week, Mars-Pluto can cause conflict, power struggles, even violence. Plus, it’s baked into the election signature, aka the next four years, aka a presidential term. We're vulnerable regardless of who’s in that office.
To top things off, Scorpio season is still serving up deep, brooding emotion. Paranoia, conspiracy theories, closet skeletons — this week brings a whole new meaning to the phrase “drain the swamp.”
Weekly Highlights & Sign Specifics
On Monday, Mars entered Leo, inflaming our pride. What’s spookier, though: as I mentioned, both Kamala and Trump have Mars in Leo, and Mars is entering Leo as they face off. Astrology is real!
Leo rules kings, fascists, dictators, performers — we're going to feel moved to express ourselves, fight for our individuality.
The Sun in Scorpio also trined Saturn in Pisces, balancing the mess with an opening for a water-sign-fueled gut intuition.
Venus and the Moon are in Sagittarius, the US’s rising sign, putting a spotlight on us alongside Mercury. Venus’s prominent position signals revolutionary, freedom-seeking action from women. Astrology is real pt. 2!!
Pro tip: women with Venus in Sag? Don’t boss them around. For real.
Venus and the Moon oppose Jupiter in Gemini, creating a tightrope effect (kinda like a close race). The shadow of Jupiter in Gemini is both-sides-ism. For my mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo), this can also spell one-on-one debates, but those could lead to more connection.
However, that happy-go-lucky potential is squared by Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, the deliverer of delusion.
Today (Election Day), the Moon is, thankfully, grounded in Capricorn. She’s serious, she’s at work. This is good.
But by Thursday, Mercury in Sag enters shadow, or pre-retrograde. Why is this important? Because Mercury rules counting!! Yes, like ballots!! You cannot make this shit up.
Some good news: Jupiter and Mercury are in what's called mutual reception. Even though we're entering retrograde, I suspect we'll be happy with where we land in January (ya, inauguration szn) — we just have to get there.
This is also the last time the Moon contacts Pluto this year. Expect big, finalizing feelings re: stories that started in 2008, when Pluto moved into Capricorn.
On Friday, a quarter Moon in Aquarius opens doors to action. After an intense information week, we’ll be ready to make changes with what we learned. Channel Aquarius’s macro-sensitivity: what’s the big, humanitarian picture?
Sunday, the Moon moves into Pisces — time to rest.

Rex’s Recs:
Pay attention to your conversations, now until the end of November. Mercury will start to play tricks and drop hints about what we’ll need to fix during retrograde. Plans could change; what’s coming up?
Process them emotions. This week ends several storylines, so honor whatever vulnerable feelings arise.
Examine self-undoing behaviors. Where is your emotional literacy? Are you being accountable to yourself and others?
Somatic practices. Put yourself in your body, especially your gut and heart chakra, to find profound insights that'll help you navigate the late-year landmines around us. The non-mental, non-verbal, and non-linear will help this week: being in bodies of water, crying, meditation, sexual healing, even chaos magic for my witches out there.
Get caught by your pride. As Mars slows down to retrograde, don’t let narcissism bully your relationships. Staying humble isn’t easy with Mars in Leo, but check in with partners and friends.
Overestimate. Mercury in Sag is quintessentially eyes > stomach. When caught in a lie, it can spin endless yarns trying to escape.
Intellectualize. No thoughts, just woo-woo.
Journaling Prompts:
How can you live your life more like a masterpiece and be sensitive to your own self-expression?
What's it like to be emotionally honest with yourself first?
Can you love your enemies?
Are you embracing your skeletons to transform them?
Can you — for real — find ways to be less busy in the next few months?
Bonus Content on YouTube!
Book a reading! Scorpio suns and risings get 25% off through November 22.
Email me with questions at rexastrology@gmail.com!