Welcome to the WORLD OF REX newsletter, where we dive into tips + tricks for navigating this week’s transits. This week: mythology vs. truth.
Astro Fam,
Humility, cranky Mars, lots of Pluto — it’s giving hellscape. Listen to this week’s episode, Grow Up, Glow Up, for more, and tune in Sundays to prepare for the week ahead!
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The Basics
It’s a bouncy, kind of unhinged week. The planets chitter-chatter in their starry chaos arena. Truth flits about in glimpses. Collective dogma gets upended—
Okay, deep breath.
Sagittarius brings a little light to an otherwise darker time of year. As I mentioned last letter, Saturday’s New Moon in Sag ushers in fresh modes of thinking and learning that humble us this week. Alongside Mercury Retrograde, this means new adventures with old stories.
The line that cuts the zodiac from Gemini to Sagittarius is the axis of learning. Both rule thinking: student Gemini accrues many facts and skills, and teacher Sagittarius crystallizes a singular expertise. Twin retrogrades in Mercury in Sag and Mars in Leo rake us back over our sense of self and life philosophies. Sagittarian mythos isn’t always based in fact (Gemini’s preferred language), but per The Sandman, “things need not have happened to be true.” With Jupiter in Gemini still opposing Mercury and the Sun in Sag, we’re parsing out the differences between the two in a new light. How can our myths and facts coexist?
An aside: non-factual mythos can be deeply empowering. On the pod, I talk about identifying as a WoW elf as a child before having the language for genderfuckery and transness — yes, really— as an example of this.
Everyone, especially my Sagittarii, is getting a reality check on their hard-fought beliefs, and Leo’s presence makes getting told “no” feel extra personal. Picture daddy Saturn in Pisces smacking down Sag’s every attempted layup: the mood is a little defeated. Remember, it’s #grievingszn, especially for the US in its Pluto return. But powerful outer planets Neptune and Saturn, both in Pisces, sway us to love our enemies and energize our beliefs towards healing the world. As my partner says, when faced with a wall, we just need to flip our plane of gravity in order to walk across it.
Weekly Highlights & Sign Specifics
Yesterday, the Sun in Sagittarius squared Saturn in Pisces (very “No” energy) while Mercury in Sag opposed Jupiter in Gemini. Yikes. Mutable signs love to have fun and gossip, but there’s also a little crunch to this PB&J: the Sun square tests us with a roadblock, but Mercury and Jupiter can succumb to delusions of grandeur trying to narrate their way around it.
However, Venus in Capricorn sextiled Neptune in Pisces, benefitting creatives with divine insights — but beware the debilitating potential of Pisces’ dreaminess.
Tomorrow, December 6, Mars stations retrograde at 6° of Leo, pushing us to review our hero’s journey, higher creative calling, and self-expression. The hero has to delve into the shadowy, frustrated, grief-stricken underworld. Search your soul and take note of what comes up: Mars storylines are front and center through early Spring.
Aries and Scorpio (sun, moon, or rising) and Leo risings: y’all are about to feeeeel this. Not fun! Sorry. Slow down, prioritize your health, baby yourself.
Meanwhile, we also get a Mercury Cazimi in a trine! Mercury and the Sun conjoin, briefly releasing whispers of healing revelations from the universe. Tune in.
This weekend, the Sun opposes Jupiter, reiterating questions around our mythos and philosophies. Venus also conjoins Pluto at 0° of Aquarius, harkening back to February 17, when she was last there, and deeply transforming our relationships.
The latter is especially big if you have 0 to 3 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and/or Taurus in your chart: think sharp yeses or nos in love, creativity, finances. Instant attraction can spark.
Rex’s Recs:
Trust but verify. Double check: are they telling the truth? What is up?
Take grounding herbs. Ashwagandha, lion’s mane, and ginseng help with mental clarity, root vegetables are grounding, and magnesium at night calms the nervous system. Make sure you have water and snacks, too — your body is in an astral triathlon this week.
Hold compassion for existential shifts. People are going through A Lot this week — channel Pisces and give them space to adjust their tectonic plates, especially Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, and Virgo.
Find refuge in your somatic body. When all the mental growing gets too heavy, step out of your head and into a yoga class or a patch of sunlight.
Resist suspension. We don’t get answers this week, especially with Mercury in its detriment. Accept that there are still unknowns to learn, and more growth to come.
Be impatient. You may get a rejection or a challenge, but don’t let this test fool you. The storyline doesn’t end until early January; nothing is set in stone.
Publish stuff. Creatives should channel this zany energy into freewriting, but this ain’t the week to hit Send (a thousand apologies to my editor, a Sagittarius who publishes daily for a living and probably wants to kill me reading this astro-weather rn).
Overreact. Mars Retrograde can make us feel trapped and ready to burst. Mars was undergoing a similar transit when Jan 6 happened, if that gives you some perspective — don’t storm any capitols. 👀
Journaling Prompts:
What personal mythos helps you survive the wild situation that is being alive right now? What mythos isn’t helping — is even hurting?
Does your mythos empower you without hurting anybody else?
What do you do when you feel trapped?
How do you want to be seen?
Are you satisfied in your love life?
Can you make the opposite of your usual choice instead?
Bonus Content on YouTube!
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Email me with questions at rexastrology@gmail.com!